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Anne Bruns née Wulff studied 2008-2010 Social Science (B.Sc.) and from 2010-2012 Political Science M.A.) at the University of Cologne. In 2011 she started working at the Professorship for Social Policy and Methods of qualitative Social Research in the Institute for Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS), since 2014 as scientific associate. Her responsibilities are teaching activities, supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses and also the administration of courses and exams of the chair. From 2013 to 2016 she was also scientific associate at the European Centre for Liberal Professions (more information here)

Summer Term 2013     Advanced Seminar “Images of Ageing”

Winter Term 2013/14   Advanced Seminar “Management of Demographic Change – on the example of the Generali Group”

Winter Term 2014/15   Advanced Seminar “Social Policy”

Summer Term 2015      Lecture “Economic and Political System of Germany”

                                      Seminar “Economic and Political System of Germany”

                                      Exercise “Theory and Methods of Qualitative Social Research”

Winter Term 2015/16   Lecture “Introduction into Social Sciences“

Lecture „Introduction into the ‚Social‘ of the Social Market Economy“ at the University of Sofia  

Summer Term 2016      Workshop „Applied qualitative Social Research“ at the Philosophy and Theology College Vallendar

Winter Term 2016/17    Lecture and Exercise “Introduction into Social Sciences“

Research Interests

Her dissertation project is: ‘Professional Custodians as a Liberal Profession. The legal advisor for people with dementia in Germany in the context of European law as an example for the future organization of the professional field of independent custodians (§ 1896 ff. BGB)’.

The central core of the project is the identification of different areas of tension that professional custodians have to deal with on a national and European level. Therefore one connects the following research dimensions:

  • The extent of impact of the European Union and its efforts concerning liberalization and deregulation on liberal professions.
  • The analysis of the development of national law in the field of professional custodians and its practical implementation. Also, the national discussion about costs and its reduction are reflected by the law
  • The characterization and definition of “good care” and the assurance that people who are cared for by a professional custodian are treated respectfully, that the care is in their best interest and that their right to self-determination is not undermined. The focus lies on people with dementia
  • The presentation of the debate about quality assurance (respectively the necessary competence with particular attention to capacity for empathy) in this area and the connected answer to the question on how much regulation is necessary. There is also a debate about professionalization of this area.

The question that follows is which areas of tension are relevant for the research dimensions. The answer of this question shall help to answer the whole research question: How do the areas of tension in which the professional custodians work influence the future organisation of their professional field and how will their profession develop in the future? To find an answer to this question, one needs to interiew professional custodians in a qualitative and problem-concerned manner and interview experts with help of the Delphi-method.

Further research interests:

  • age and aging, images of ageing
  • care of people with dementia
  • students life situation

Weitere Forschungsfelder

  • Alter(n) und Altersbilder
  • Pflege von Menschen mit Demenz
  • Lebenslage von Studierenden
  • Sozialversicherung/en
  • Sozialstaat und Soziale Marktwirtschaft


Ahles, Lisa/ Köstler, Ursula/ Vetter, Nicole/ Wulff, Anne (2016): Studienabbrüche an deutschen Hochschulen. Stand der Thematisierung und strategische Ansatzpunkte. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Köstler, U./ Marks, H./ Stemmer, P./ Wulff, A./ Schulz-Nieswandt, F. (2015): Studieren an der Universität zu Köln – Die Sicht internationaler Hochschulgruppen. Ergebnisse einer Befragung und einer Gruppendiskussion. Baden-Baden: Nomos. In Vorbereitung.  

Maier-Rigaud, R./ Wulff, A. (2014): Vernetzung von Berufsbetreuern in der Pflege. Eine qualitative Analyse am Beispiel der Beziehung zu Pflegeheimen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt (8), S. 196-202.

Wulff, A. (2013): Statuspassage Studienbeginn. Zwischen Vergemeinschaftung und Resilienz. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Wulff, A. (2014): Soziale Integration der BildungsausländerInnen an der Universität zu Köln. Eine Betrachtung am Beispiel der Situation in den Wohnheimen des Studentenwerks. Baden-Baden: Nomos.