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Nicole Vetter, born in 1985, has been working since October 2012 at the chair for Social Policy and Qualitative Social Research Methods and the Department for Co-operatives. Within her PHD thesis she examined the interplay between interpretive schemes of social inequality and voluntary engagement in the education sector.

After studying social sciences in Cologne and Utrecht and graduating as a sociologist, she volunteered as a language teacher at the Faculty of Economics in Prilep (Macedonia). In addition to her work at the Chair, she has also worked as a freelancer in public schools and carried out analyzes regarding the professional orientation of eighth graders in the Cologne area.

She conducts research on topics of the third sector and volunteer engagement and links them with educational science aspects. She is focused on forms of voluntary engagement in the public school system and the exploration of the diverse relationships that may arise between voluntary engagement and educational inequality. Furthermore, she is also interested in qualitative research methods.

Area of Research

  • Third Sector
  • Volunteer Engagement
  • Educational Engagement
  • Sozial Inequality / Educational inequality
  • Qualitative Research Methods

Teaching and Workshops

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Regelmäßige Veranstaltungen

Vorlesung Kooperatives Wirtschaften im Sozialraum

Übung Theorie und Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung

Sonstige Veranstaltungen

WS 16/17: Einführung in die Sozialpolitik im Rahmen des Erasmusaustausches mit der Universität Sofia in Bulgarien.

WS 16/17: Workshop für NeututorInnen des studentischen Forums für Integration und Bildung e.V. Köln.

SS 16: Lehrauftrag Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar: Workshop Angewante qualitative Sozialforschung. 

WS 15/16: Lehrauftrag Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Universität zu Köln: Begleitung des bildungswissenschaftlichen Berufsfeldpraktikums - FIB-Nachhilfe an Schulen.


Ahles, Lisa, Köstler, Ursula, Vetter, Nicole, Wulff, Anne 2016: Studienabbrüche an deutschen Hochschulen. Stand der Thematisierung und strategische Ansatzpunkte. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Vetter, Nicole 2014: Mentoring an Schulen. Eine Studie zu Bürgerschaftlichem Engagement von Studierenden an weiterführenden Schulen. Studien zum sozialen Dasein der Person Band 9. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Köstler, Ursula, Nicole, Vetter 2014: Kommunale Bildungslandschaft: Schule im Veränderungs- und Vernetzungsprozess: Einblicke anhand der empirischen Untersuchung eines Mentoringkonzepts, Sozialer Fortschritt 63 (8): 203-208.

Muders, Sonja, Nicole, Vetter 2014: Praktiken und Diskurse zwischen Bildung, Macht und (Un-)gerechtigkeit – eine Wiener Tagung diskutiert, Vierteljahrsschrift für Empirische Pädagogik 90 (3): 474-478.

Talks in english

“A knowledge sociological perspective on the norms of civil society” at the 12th International Conference, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Stockholm, Juli 2016. 

“Social Inequality in the German Education System – An Analysis of Interpretive Schemes of Volunteers” at the 2nd Annual BAGSS Conference “Inequalities”, Bamberg, September 2015.